
Showing posts from April, 2019

Avengers Endgame- The Heist for everyones souls

To me the subtitle for the seemingly final addition to the marvel cinematic universes vast library seemed to fit my opinion of the franchise as a whole. I remember telling my friends before the screening that they could of named it 'Avengers: Extra Time', since if Infinity War was the Super Bowl, then Endgame was the match going into deep overtime. Exciting, yet heavily draining on the eyes. And yet when this film ended I was less relived, but instead content. After a whopping 3 hour run time, Endgame had become the send off to the 11 year saga that I wanted it to be. After the infamous results of Infinity War, we see the Avengers (or whats left of them) in their darkest hour. Now looking to fix the the crimes done by the tyrant Thanos (Josh Brolin), they look to the always popular writing trope in comic book narratives, time travel. The first thing you should know is that if you have little to know knowledge of the marvel films or have not seen the precursor to Endgame, then